Local planning matters

We want to see a planning system that enables local communities to influence planning decisions, deliver more affordable housing, protect countryside and green spaces and address the climate and nature emergencies.
Planning at the local, regional, and national level is pivotal for ensuring that growth and development can occur without destroying local landscapes or threatening liveable communities. Sensible planning balances demands for growth, housing, infrastructure and industry with the inherent value of a beautiful countryside and the environmental, economic, and recreational services that unspoilt areas provide.
We play an active role in promoting and protecting a sustainable and liveable countryside for the future. We have helped a number of towns and villages to resist unsuitable or damaging developments, as well as lobbying to support positive growth for communities, like the development of appropriately-scaled rural affordable housing projects.
Leicestershire is a beautiful, vibrant county. It has remained so, and will remain so in the future, through the efforts and dedication of passionate people. If you are interested in helping to defend your local community, and in helping to promote sensible and sustainable planning throughout the county, join us today as a member, a volunteer, or an organiser.