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CPRE Leicestershire registers its interest in the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange


On the 12th June CPRE Leicestershire has registered its interest in Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange with the Planning Inspectorate.

The Branch has raised various objections to the proposal including that the need has not been properly established; the extent to which the rail network will be underutilised; direct and indirect traffic implications on local villages road as well as the M69 and M1; unable to demonstrate that the site would have good sustainable transport access; impact on walking and cycling provision; impact on landscape and biodiversity not adequately addressed; loss of countryside; landscape impacts; loss of footpaths; access to open countryside; increase in light and noise pollution.

This is the first step to register the Branch’s interest and not to set out in detail the full objections, this will come later during the year.