CPRE Leicestershire raises concerns with local general election candidates
CPRE Leicestershire has written general election candidates standing in Leicester and Leicestershire constituencies to raise local concerns and to ask for support for CPRE’s national manifesto, ‘Our countryside: a manifesto for the next government’.
Leicestershire Concerns
Candidates have been asked to respond to questions on five concerns relating to Leicestershire’s countryside, the sustainability of its rural communities and climate change.
First, they were asked if, in the light of the climate emergency, they would press for an urgent review of the Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Growth Plan (SGP).
Second, their views on the A46 Expressway and sustainable transport were sought and whether they would oppose the A46 Expressway proposal and support instead moves towards an integrated sustainable transport network across Leicester and Leicestershire.
Third, in relation to nationally undesignated countryside, it was noted Leicestershire has no designated Green Belts, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (ANOBs) or National Parks so candidates were asked whether they would support national designations for important and valued areas of Leicestershire countryside.
Fourth, to give additional weight to Neighbourhood Plans, they were asked if they would support a community right of appeal against speculative development in areas where Neighbourhood Plans have been adopted.
Fifth, given that housing is increasingly unaffordable for local people in village communities, candidates were asked if they would support measures designed to increase affordable housing for local people in rural areas.
CPRE’s national manifesto
Support was requested for CPRE’s national manifesto which set out priorities for a thriving and accessible countryside that makes a significant contribution to reaching net-zero carbon and for maintaining sustainable rural communities.
It put forward a number of measures to reduce carbon emissions, safeguard the countryside and improve access to green spaces for everyone, as well as for a well-resourced planning system that empowers communities, prioritises brownfield sites and provides affordable homes.
The importance of the countryside
The choices made by the next government will have big consequences for our countryside. The general election is a crucial time when we must demand that the countryside we all love is at the forefront of decision making – whether that be looking at the climate emergency, building new homes, public transport or the importance of local foods.
Tony Stott, CPRE Leicestershire Trustee said:
“Finding solutions to ensure rural communities can thrive while also tackling the climate emergency goes beyond politics. That’s why we call on candidates from all parties to actively promote, enhance and protect the beautiful and unique landscape of Leicestershire.”
He concluded:
“We encourage all members of the community to write to their candidates urging them to support CPRE’s manifesto for the next government.”
CPRE manifesto for the next government 2019
Candidates letter – November 2019